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Dental decay is a prevalent issue affecting kids and adults. People who visit the dentist regularly get their cavities treated quickly. However, some have dental phobia, are too busy or lack access to regular dental care leaving their cavities untreated. Are you one of them? Continue reading and learn how long you can wait to visit a dentist’s office near you.
Cavities are small holes that occur on the surface of molars, between teeth or at the base of teeth near the gum line. It is common for food debris to remain in your mouth after eating. They are removed by brushing and flossing daily. The dentist can remove debris in hard-to-reach areas through professional dental cleanings.
However, the debris accumulates if you neglect your oral hygiene. The bacteria in your mouth that help digestion combine with the food particles. Over time, they form plaque which covers the tooth surface. Plaque contains acids that erode the tooth enamel creating cavities.
If you do not brush, floss or see a dentist for cleaning, plaque builds up into tartar. Tartar erodes the enamel causing the cavity to spread to the dentin. After some time, the decay worsens, and holes form into the dental pulp. Bacteria destroy the tissues in the pulp, causing dental abscesses and irreversible damage.
Fortunately, a dentist can treat tooth cavities before they worsen. Once they notice signs of decay, they will use tooth-colored fillings to repair the tooth. If the cavity is too large, they will use onlays or tooth crowns.
Detecting tooth decay early leads to quick and timely treatment. As a result, the cavity will not enlarge. Also, you will not experience discomfort or develop serious oral health complications. Below are potential signs of advanced tooth decay.
A cavity worsens when left untreated. Bacteria and plaque hide in the holes and continue to erode the tooth enamel. As a result, the pits become larger and deeper. After a while, the inner parts of the tooth become exposed. Bacteria enter the pulp damaging the tissues and impacting the tooth’s integrity. Eventually, the infection spreads in the mouth and body.
Most people frequently ask: how long can you leave a cavity untreated? The answer depends on factors like the stage of the cavity, oral care habits and diet. A cavity begins as a white spot on the enamel. The spot becomes a small hole after 3-6 months. However, if you eat sugary things and do not brush and floss your teeth, the cavity forms faster.
If a cavity is untreated for several months or a year, it causes severe damage to your teeth. Infections occur in the dental pulp infecting the integrity of the tooth. In addition, you will experience intense toothache, sensitivity, gum inflammation and other symptoms.
The longer cavities are left untreated, the further damage they cause. Dentists recommend treating a cavity within a year. So, it is crucial to visit a dentist’s office near you for treatment once you notice signs of a cavity. Early treatment prevents discomfort and saves your teeth and money.
Cavity treatment at Campbell & Williams Family Dental depends on the severity of the condition. The experts may provide either of the treatments below.
Early-stage tooth decay is reversed through a fluoride treatment. The dentist administers fluoride to remineralize and strengthen the tooth enamel.
The dentist will use metal or tooth colored fillings to repair the holes in the tooth. Dental fillings strengthen the tooth and prevent further decay.
This treatment involves removing infected or dead tissues in the dental pulp. The dentist then fills the holes inside the tooth and strengthens it with a dental crown.
Pulling out a decayed tooth is usually the last option. It is performed if the tooth is severely damaged or abscessed.